Running BYCEPS


Before continuing, make sure that the virtual environment is set up and activated.

Admin Application

To run the admin application with Flask’s (insecure!) development server for development purposes:

(venv)$ BYCEPS_CONFIG=../config/development.toml flask --app=serve_admin --debug run

The admin application should now be reachable at (on Flask’s standard port).

Site Application

To run a site application with Flask’s (insecure!) development server for development purposes on a different port (to avoid conflicting with the admin application):

(venv)$ BYCEPS_CONFIG=../config/development.toml SITE_ID=cozylan flask --app=serve_site --debug run --port 5001

The application for site cozylan should now be reachable at

For now, every site will need its own site application instance.


The worker processes background jobs for the admin application and site applications.

To start it:

(venv)$ BYCEPS_CONFIG=../config/development.toml ./

It should start processing any jobs in the queue right away and will then wait for new jobs to be enqueued.

While technically multiple workers could be employed, a single one is usually sufficient.