Populate DatabaseΒΆ


Before continuing, make sure that the virtual environment is set up and activated.

Initialize the database (details) specified in the configuration file:

(venv)$ BYCEPS_CONFIG=../config/development.toml byceps initialize-database
Creating database tables ... done.
Importing roles ... done. Imported 35 roles, skipped 0 roles.
Adding language "en" ... done.
Adding language "de" ... done.

With the tables and the authorization data in place, create the initial user (which will get all available roles assigned):

(venv)$ BYCEPS_CONFIG=../config/development.toml byceps create-superuser
Screen name: Flynn
Email address: flynn@flynns-arcade.net
Creating user "Flynn" ... done.
Enabling user "Flynn" ... done.
Assigning 35 roles to user "Flynn" ... done.

Those roles allow the user to log in to the admin backend and to access all administrative functionality.