Create Application Mapping FileΒΆ

Since a single BYCEPS instance can provide the admin frontend, the API, and one or more sites, a configuration file is required that defines which hostname will be routed to which application.

Copy the included example configuration file:

$ cp config/apps.toml.example config/apps.toml
  • For a local installation, you can go with the exemplary hostnames already defined in the example apps configuration file, config/apps.toml.example, which are:

    • admin.byceps.example for the admin UI

    • api.byceps.example for the API

    • cozylan.example for the CozyLAN demo site

    To be able to access them, though, add these entries to your local /etc/hosts file (or whatever the equivalent of your operating system is):       admin.byceps.example       api.byceps.example       cozylan.example
  • But if you are installing to a server on the Internet, substitute above hostnames in the configuration with ones that use actual, registered Internet domains.