Python Packages =============== When updating BYCEPS to a newer version, the set of required Python packages may change (additions, version upgrades/downgrades, removals). .. important:: Before continuing, make sure that the :doc:`virtual environment ` is set up and activated. As with the :doc:`installation `, it's probably a good idea to update pip_ to the current version: .. _pip: .. code-block:: sh (.venv)$ pip install --upgrade pip Then instruct pip_ to install the required Python dependencies (again, the same way as during the installation): .. code-block:: sh (.venv)$ pip install -r requirements/core.txt This will install new but yet missing packages and upgrade/downgrade existing packages. It will *not* remove no longer used packages, though, but that *should* not be an issue. If you want to run the test suite and/or use development tools, update their requirements as well: .. code-block:: sh (.venv)$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt