Welcome to BYCEPS ================= **BYCEPS** is the *Bring-Your-Computer Event Processing System*. It is a tool to prepare and operate a LAN party, both online on the Internet and locally as an intranet system, for both organizers and attendees. This documentation should guide you to understand and set up BYCEPS. - The BYCEPS website is located at https://byceps.nwsnet.de/. - The source code (including the documentation sources) is available free of charge `on GitHub `_ and `on Sourcehut `_. - If you have questions or suggestions, feel free to reach out on the `BYCEPS Discord server `_. Noteworthy changes are also announced there. .. image:: https://discordapp.com/api/guilds/736558889767796789/widget.png?style=banner2 :alt: Join BYCEPS on Discord :target: https://discord.gg/HxXbBN554U - If you happen to find an issue or even a bug, please report it on the `issue tracker at GitHub `_. - If it could be a severe, security-critical issue, prefer to contact the project author directly. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 concepts/index blueprints/index installation_docker/index installation_native/index upgrading/index configuration_file/index cli/index testing/index license Indices and Tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`